Testing in sandbox

In the sandbox, you can either test our mock banks, Justo Bank and Hizonti Bank, or a few bank sandboxes that we have made available. We have chosen banks that we believe provide good functionality for testing, as well as being stable enough for day-to-day testing.

Please make sure to use HTTP 1.1 or above when interacting with the Neonomics platform.

Sandbox banks

When you register with the Neonomics Developer Portal, a customer is created in the sandbox banks. The customer has an account in each bank with a random IBAN and account balance. This lets you test the functionality that Neonomics provides using mock data.

SCA credentials – sandbox banks

Some sandbox banks have special functionality for consent and authorization, such as asking for username/password or social security number. You will be asked to provide this information on the bank page you receive as a response after calling the GET /consent/<sessionId>. Refer to the consent API for more information.

The table below lists credentials for each sandbox bank as well as additional information for banks with special functionality:


Information to provide

DNB - Norway

DNB is one of the banks which require that the Social Security Number be passed to our API as an encrypted x-psu-id header value.

For testing DNB in the sandbox, you can use the following SSNs: 31125461118, 31125453913, 31125461037

Remember to encrypt these values before you send them! See the guide for encrypting sensitive end-user data for details on how to do this. To return a non-empty array of transactions in the sandbox, you must first initiate payments through the sandbox payment initiation.

S’banken - Norway

Select Privat Bank (Personal Customer), and when asked to provide Personnummer (Social Security Number), enter one of the following:
13039319955, 23119621380

SpareBank 1 Østlandet - Norway

The bank requires the mandatory header x-psu-ip-address to be passed to our APIs. For sandbox, this value can be

For testing SpareBank 1 Østlandet in the sandbox, you can use the following Personnummer: 13039319955

S-pankki - Finland

  • Username: customera or customerb
  • Password: 12345678

SEB - Sweden

Use one of the following Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) when prompted for consent:
9311219639, 8811215477, 8811212862, 8311211356.

Note that there is a limitation when testing payments: You can only make payments between accounts related to one PIN. Each of the four PINs above has a group of associated accounts, and you can only make payments within the same group. It means that when you have given consent to call Get Accounts with a particular PIN, you can make payments between the accounts returned in response to that call.

When initiating a payment, you will be redirected to a page that asks you to open the Mobile BankId app. In the sandbox, you can ignore that message. Just wait 5 seconds, as this will simulate authorization.

Swedbank - Sweden

Prompts and values to input:
Swedish personal identity number: 19940609-1234 Choose your login option: Mobilt BankID Choose a customer that you are going to represent: Myself To authorize a payment, just click through the windows, no input is needed.

Vestjysk - Denmark

No login info is needed, just click through the windows.

Ålandsbanken - Finland

  • Username: annidemo or aarodemo
  • Password: 12345678

Log in or Create a user to start interacting with our sandbox banks and test your application.