Testing in sandbox

In the sandbox, you can either test our mock banks, Justo Bank and Hizonti Bank, or a few bank sandboxes that we have made available. We have chosen banks that we believe provide good functionality for testing, as well as being stable enough for day-to-day testing.

Please make sure to use HTTP 1.1 or above when interacting with the Neonomics platform.

Sandbox banks

When you register with the Neonomics Developer Portal, a customer is created in the sandbox banks. The customer has an account in each bank with a random IBAN and account balance. This lets you test the functionality that Neonomics provides using mock data.

SCA credentials – sandbox banks

Some sandbox banks have special functionality for consent and authorization, such as asking for username/password or social security number. You will be asked to provide this information on the bank page you receive as a response after calling the GET /consent/. Refer to the consent API for more information.

The table below lists credentials for each sandbox bank as well as additional information for banks with special functionality:

BankInformation to provide
DNB - NorwayDNB is one of the banks which require that the Social Security Number be passed to our API as an encrypted x-psu-id header value.

For testing DNB in the sandbox, you can use the following SSNs:
31125461118, 31125453913, 31125461037

Remember to encrypt these values before you send them! See the guide for encrypting sensitive end-user data for details on how to do this. In order to return a non-empty array of transactions in the sandbox, you must first initiate payments through the sandbox payment initiation.
S’banken - NorwaySelect Privat Bank (Personal Customer) and when asked to provide Personnummer (Social Security Number), enter one of the following:
13039319955, 23119621380
S-pankki - FinlandUsername: customera or customerb
Password: 12345678
SEB - SwedenUse one of the following Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) when prompted for consent:
9311219639, 8811215477, 8811212862, 8311211356.

Note that there is a limitation when testing payments: You can only make payments between accounts related to one PIN. Each of the four PINs above has a group of accounts associated with it, and you can only make payments within the same group. It means that when you have given consent to call Get Accounts with a particular PIN, you can make payments between the accounts returned in response to that call.

When initiating a payment, you will be redirected to a page that asks you to open the Mobile BankId app. In the sandbox, you can ignore that message. Just wait 5 seconds, as this will simulate authorization.
Swedbank - SwedenPrompts and values to input:
Swedish personal identity number: 19940609-1234
Choose your login option: Mobilt BankID
Choose a customer what you are going to represent: Myself
To authorize a payment, just click through the windows, no input is needed.
Vestjysk - DenmarkNo login info is needed, just click through the windows.
Ålandsbanken - FinlandUsername: annidemo or aarodemo
Password: 12345678

Mock banks

When giving Neonomics consent to access data in Hizonti or Justo Bank, you will be asked to provide credentials. These are the same credentials that you use to log in to the Neonomics Developer Portal. Once you have given consent to access your mock data, you can interact with the bank using the Neonomics API.

Consent credentials – mock banks

BankInformation to provide
Hizonti BankUsername: Enter the username of your Neonomics dev-portal user.
Password: Enter the password of your Neonomics dev-portal user.
Justo BankUsername: Enter the username of your Neonomics dev-portal user.
Password: Enter the password of your Neonomics dev-portal user.

Balance update

If your testing involves verification of the account balance update, you can make SEPA payments between the pre-made accounts in Justo and Hizonti. These two accounts can only send payments to each other, but the account balances are updated, and the transactions show up in the list. Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is not required for these accounts.

Log in or Create a user to start interacting with our sandbox banks and test your application.