Client hosted bank selection
Customers in Finland and Denmark can display the bank selection on their interface.
Steps to integrate the client hosted bank by a customer
1. Get the available banks.
The customer calls the checkout-banks API with their clientId and the desired country code to retrieve a list of banks supported by Nello Pay in that country. The response will include details about the available banks, which can be used to customise the customers user experience.
API end point:{COUNTRY_CODE}
"bankId": "c3BhbmtraS52MVNCQU5GSUhI",
"countryCode": "FI",
"bankingGroupName": "S-Bank Ltd",
"bankDisplayName": "S-Pankki",
"bankOfficialName": "S-Banken Ab",
"bankLogoUrl": "",
"singleScaSupported": true
"bankId": "YWxhbmRzYmFua2VuLmZpLnYxQUFCQUZJMjI=",
"countryCode": "FI",
"bankingGroupName": "Ålandsbanken",
"bankDisplayName": "Ålandsbanken",
"bankOfficialName": "Ålandsbanken",
"bankLogoUrl": "",
"singleScaSupported": true
2. Initiate the payment
The seconds step is initiating a checkout-request with the added attributes bankId
and singleScaSupported
when creating a checkout request. Bellow is an example of a checkout request object for a Finnish bank:
"referenceId": "41212",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "EUR",
"remittanceInfo": "Test",
"debtorName": "John Dou",
"successUrl": "",
"failUrl": "",
"cancelUrl": "",
"language": "EN",
"country": "FI",
"creditorAccount": {
"creditorName": "New Creditor",
"iban": "FI2112345600000785"
"creditorAddress": {
"creditorStreetName": "test",
"creditorBuildingNumber": "test build",
"creditorPostalCode": "postal",
"creditorCity": "city",
"creditorCountry": "country"
"bankId": "YWxhbmRzYmFua2VuLmZpLnYxQUFCQUZJMjI=",
"singleScaPayment": true
After Step 2, the end user will receive the checkout redirect URL for the checkout payment. When launching this URL, a new screen will be displayed before proceeding to bank’s SCA. This screen will present Neonomics' terms and conditions and privacy policies. When the user taps the 'Continue' button, they will be redirected to the bank's SCA page.

Updated 2 days ago