Market specific variables

"currency": "NOK"Only local currency is supported.NOKDKKEURSEK
"language": "EN"Language of the user interface, any value can be picked. If not provided, default language will be used in the user interface.NBDAFI/SESE
"country": "NO"Country indicator, mandatory fieldNODKFISE
"remittanceInfo": "tshirt"Unstructured remittance information.140 characters140 characters140 charactersMax 10 characters for same day payment

12 characters for scheduled payment
Remittance Info Structured
"reference": "123451"
The length of the reference4-25 characters15 charactersMax 20 characters5-25 characters
Remittance Info Structured

"referenceType": "KID"
The reference type in the given countryKIDSCORINVOICEOCR (Only supported with Creditor Account BGNR/PGNR)
Creditor Account

iban: "NO2390412263056"
bban: "86011117947"
bgnr: "123-4567"
pgnr: "123-4567"
If not provided the information saved in the Merchant portal will be used.
If the object is sent,
at least one of IBAN or BBAN is required. If both IBAN and BBAN are provided, IBAN will be used.
IBAN: 15 characters, starting with NO followed by 13 digits

BBAN: 11 digits

BIC, BGNR, PGNR: Not Applicable for this market
IBAN: 18 characters, starting with DK followed by 16 digits

BBAN: 14 digits

BIC, BGNR, PGNR: Not Applicable for this market
IBAN: 18 characters, starting with FI followed by 16 digits

BBAN: 14 digits

BIC, BGNR, PGNR: Not Applicable for this market
IBAN: 24 characters, starting with SE followed by 22 digits

BBAN: 11 digits

BIC: Mandatory only with BBAN.

Provide only IBAN for Skandia and only BBAN for Handelsbanken.

Only works with scheduled payments
Can be provided in place of IBAN or BBAN. Must be accompanied by valid remittance OCR.