Error codes

This is the complete list of client error codes with an explanation of each code. The error code is returned in the errorCode attribute of an error object. When you are building business logic to identify and handle errors, it should be based on the error code.

Client errors 1000–1999

The Troubleshooting column suggests how to solve the problem that caused the error.

1001 BAD_REQUESTMissing required headerInclude x-session-id and x-device-id in the request header.
1002 BAD_REQUESTMissing required parameterInclude the missing parameter(s). What parameter is missing depends on which endpoint you are calling.
Create Session:
Include header parameter bankId.
Get Account by ID, Get Balances by ID, Get Transactions by ID:
Include endpoint parameter id.
Get Payments by ID, Complete Payment:
Include endpoint parameter paymentId.
Include endpoint parameter paymentProduct.
1003 BAD_REQUESTInvalid account idValid IBANs consist of two characters followed by 13 to 32 digits. The number of digits in Nordic accounts are as follows: Norway 13, Sweden 22, Finland 16 and Denmark 16.
Valid BBANs only consist of digits, while the following number of digits apply to Nordic accounts: Norway 11, Sweden 20 and Denmark 14.
Domestic Scheduled Payment:
The debtorAccount and/or creditorAccount object does not contain a valid IBAN or BBAN.
If accountScheme = BGNR or PGNR, the identifier must be between min 7 and max 8 digits long.
SEPA Scheduled Payment:
The debtorAccount object does not contain a valid IBAN or BBAN.
1003 BAD_REQUESTInvalid payment idGet Payment by Id, Authorize Payment, Complete Payment:
The wrong paymentId was supplied.
1004 BAD_REQUESTInvalid x-psu-ip addressThe x-psu-ip-address you included is not in a valid IPV4 or IPV6 format
x-psu-ip-address is required by the bank, but not included in your call.
1005 BAD_REQUESTInvalid redirect URLThe URL given in x-redirect-url is not according to the proper URL syntax
the URL given in x-redirect-url does not match any of the Redirect URLs registered for your application in the Dashboard.
1006 BAD_REQUESTInvalid PaymentProductGet Payment by Id, Authorize Payment, Complete Payment:
The value of paymentProduct must correspond to the type of payment that was initiated, which is either domestic-transfer, domestic-scheduled-transfer, sepa-credit, or sepa-scheduled-credit.
1007 BAD_REQUESTPayment Id not associated with the current sessionGet Payment by Id, Authorize Payment, Complete Payment:
The endpoint parameter paymentIdwas not generated in the session identified by the x-session-id that you supplied in the request header.
1007 BAD_REQUESTPayment Id not associated with the current session. Payment Not Found on the Bank's sideGet Payment by Id:
The endpoint parameter paymentIdwas edited/deleted by the end-user in their online banking.
1008 BAD_REQUESTPayment Id not associated with the current payment productGet Payment by Id, Authorize Payment, Complete Payment:
There is a mismatch between the endpoint parameters paymentId and paymentProduct. The paymentId was not generated for the given paymentProduct.
1009 BAD_REQUESTPayment Id in an invalid stateComplete payment:
The paymentId represents a payment that is not yet authorized, so you have to run Authorize Payment first.
1010 BAD_REQUESTUnsupported payment Id for this operationAuthorize Payment:
You are trying to authorize a payment that is exempt from SCA.
1011 BAD_REQUESTRemittance Information structured or unstructured needs to be providedEither remittanceInformationStructured or remittanceInformationUnstructured is required in the request body for payment initiations.
1012 BAD_REQUESTRemittance Information structured needs to have referenceInclude reference and referenceType in the remittanceInformationStructured object.
1013 BAD_REQUESTAn unsupported operation for current resourcePayment initiation:
The payment product you are trying to use is not supported by the bank.
Get Consent:
Your URL is invalid. Call Get Consent with the exact URL received as a part of the 1426 error response. The URL is the value of the href parameter in the link object, see the consent guide for more information.
1014 BAD_REQUESTInsufficient funds for the transaction
1015 BAD_REQUESTAmount negative or not a valid numberThe amount must be greater than 0.
1016 BAD_REQUESTAccount is requiredInclude the account number in the payment request.
1017 BAD_REQUESTInvalid IBANThe debtor account number is not valid.
Domestic Scheduled Payment, Domestic Payment:
Creditor and debtor account numbers are located in different countries, but they must be in the same country.
1018 BAD_REQUESTInvalid ISO 4217 currency codeInclude a valid currency code.
1019 BAD_REQUESTThe account id is not associated with this current confirm funds request
1020 BAD_REQUESTThere is no session available. Please check your session id and device id or create another session.
1021 BAD_REQUESTInvalid resource idInvalid bankId was given.
1022 BAD_REQUESTInvalid currency for requested accountPayment currency is different from debtor account currency. It must be the same.
Also, note that SEPA payments must always be made in EUR.
1023 BAD_REQUESTInvalid values in payload.The request body JSON for payment initiation has the wrong format.
1023 BAD_REQUESTInvalid values in payload. The payment amount exceeds period limit for this bank account.The period limit is set by PSUs in their online bank. The period referred to is usually "monthly".
1023BAD_REQUESTInvalid values in payload. The payment amount exceeds payment amount limit for this bank account.The period amount limit is set by the bank, and in some cases, PSUs can override the bank's limit in their online bank.
1024 BAD_REQUESTHTTP request method not supportedMake sure that the request method is according to the description in API References.
1025 BAD_REQUESTInvalid device id. Device id needs to be of proper RFC4112 Format
1026 BAD_REQUESTInvalid end-to-end identifier. The end-to-end identifier should be between 1 and 35 charactersCorrect the endToEndIdentification.
1027 BAD_REQUESTPSU Id header is missing even though it is required by the bankInclude x-psu-id in the request header (string that contains an encrypted end-user identifier).
1028 BAD_REQUESTNo encryption key found for the given client idThis error is returned when an encryption key for the application has not been generated in the developer portal. Make sure to follow the guidelines given in Sensitive end-user data.
1029 BAD_REQUESTThe date when the money should reach the recipient must be a banking dayCorrect the requestedExecutionDate and make sure it’s a banking day in the country where the creditor and debtor account is located.
Use for example information sources showing Nordic bank holidays or global holidays.
1030 BAD_REQUESTThe execution date is in the past. Please specify a later dateCorrect the requestedExecutionDate and make sure it’s a future date.
1031 BAD_REQUESTThe execution date should be of date format: yyyy-mm-ddCorrect the date format so that it follows ISO-8601.
1032 BAD_REQUESTWrong format of unstructured remittance information, maximum is 140 charactersChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 140 characters.
1032 BAD_REQUESTWrong format of unstructured remittance information, maximum is 35 characters for SwedbankChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 35 characters.
1032 BAD_REQUESTWrong format of unstructured remittance information, maximum is 12 characters for Swedish banksChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 12 characters.
1032 BAD_REQUESTWrong format of unstructured remittance information, maximum is 40 characters for Danish banksChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 40 characters.
1032 BAD_REQUESTWrong format of unstructured remittance information, maximum is 66 characters for Danske NOChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 66 characters.
1032 BAD_REQUESTWrong format of unstructured remittance information, maximum is 30 characters for Bank Norwegian NOChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 30 characters.
1033 BAD_REQUESTDebtor account is required.Include a debtor account.
1033 BAD_REQUESTDebtor account is required. Invalid debtor accountInclude a valid debtor account.
1034 BAD_REQUESTCreditor account is required.Include a creditor account.
1034 BAD_REQUESTCreditor account is required. Invalid creditor accountInclude a valid creditor account.
1035 BAD_REQUESTInvalid TPP id
1036 FATALThe operation failed due to invalid/missing access rightsPayment initiation is not allowed for the given debtor account.
1037 BAD_REQUESTCountry field inside the creditor address is mandatoryInclude country inside the paymentMetadata object in the request body.
1038 BAD_REQUESTMissing required parameter: Creditor addressInclude country inside the paymentMetadata object in the request body.
1039 BAD_REQUESTMissing required parameter : Creditor nameInclude creditorName in the request body.
1040 BAD_REQUESTMissing required parameter : Debtor nameInclude debtorName in the request body.
1041 BAD_REQUESTThe reference number is not validInclude a valid reference in the remittanceInformationStructured object in the request body.
1042 BAD_REQUESTThe reference type is not validInclude a valid referenceType in the remittanceInformationStructuredobject in the request body.
1043 BAD_REQUESTMissing reference number in structured remittance informationInclude a valid reference in the remittanceInformationStructured object in the request body.
1044 BAD_REQUESTReference field is not allowed for this payment typeUse remittanceInformationUnstructured instead of remittanceInformationStructured.
1045 BAD_REQUESTThe creditor message length must be between 0 and 12 charactersChange the contents of remittanceInformationUnstructured and make sure it’s a maximum of 12 characters (10 for Swedbank).
1046 BAD_REQUESTDuplicate insert operation
1047 BAD_REQUESTInvalid PSU Id.Your x-psu-id is invalid.
1047 BAD_REQUESTInvalid PSU Id. Corporate accounts are not supportedYou are trying to access a corporate account, which is not supported.
1048 BAD_REQUESTInvalid character(s) in name or address fieldOnly A-Å, a-å, 0-9, and space allowed.
1426 CONSENTThis resource needs to initialize consent. Please use the URL provided to continue. The consent URL will provide the bank authentication URL. You can consume this resource after authenticating.Call GET Consent.
1428 CONSENTThis payment requires Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). Please use the authorization URL provided to continue, then complete the payment API after authorizing it.Call GET Authorize Payment.

Client errors 2000–2999

2001 AUTHInvalid token
2002 AUTHExpired token
2003 AUTHNot authorized
2004 AUTHForbidden
2005 AUTHInvalid client id/secret
2006 AUTHAPI Not found
2007 AUTHMultiple tokens found
2008 AUTHInvalid grant_type
2009 AUTHRefresh token expired

Neonomics errors 3000–3999

These are internal errors in the Neonomics platform. For these errors, Neonomics clients can retry the request in case of NETWORK error.

3001 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3002 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3003 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3004 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3005 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3006 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3007 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3008 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3009 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3010 CONSENTUnable to keep session alive. Consent missing.
3011 CONSENTSession not found. Consent missing.
3012 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3013 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3014 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3015 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3016 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3017 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3018 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3019 BAD_REQUESTInvalid encryption for personal identification
3901 NETWORKNetwork error occurred. Please retry.
3902 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
3999 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.

Bank errors 4000–5999

These are errors returned from the Bank. For these errors, Neonomics clients can retry the request in case of NETWORK error.

4903 FATALNetwork error
4904 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
4905 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
4906 FATALUnauthorized operation
4907 NETWORKNetwork error
4908 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
4909 FATALInternal error. Please contact Neonomics support with complete error message.
4911 BAD_REQUESTAccess to account denied. Please verify that account number is correct.
4912 FATALPayment rejected by the bank or failed at the bank's end
4913 FATALInvalid header error
4914 FATALPayment failed at bank's end
4915 FATALPayment rejected by the bank
4929 BAD_REQUESTDaily request limit reached
4930 FATALInternal bank error
4997 CONSENTThe bank's consent request has expired
4998 CONSENTUnable to complete consent with provider
4999 FATALUnknown error
5000 BAD_REQUESTBank does not currently allow duplicate payments. Please change the ‘instrumentedAmount’.
5001 BAD_REQUESTPSU Id is required by the bank
5002 NETWORKConnection Closed from the bank
5003 BAD_REQUESTMissing IBAN and/or BBAN
5004 BAD_REQUESTMissing payment metadata
5006 BAD_REQUESTMissing references in structured remittance information