ISO Codes

Balance Types

This table lists the most likely balance type values to be returned in the response from the GET Balance call. We map the balance type code used by the bank to the corresponding ISO 20022 standard code if they provide it.

These codes are mostly used for accounting purposes. You can find a full list of codes here.

AVLBAvailableBalance of money that is at the disposal of the account owner at the date specified
BOOKBookBalance that is registered in the books of the account holder’s IBAN
CLSGClosingBooked balance at the end of the bank’s business day (sum of credits and debit booked transactions)
CRRTCurrentBalance of an account at a precise moment in time
EXPNExpenses BalanceBalance attributed to expenses.
OTHROtherBalance that is not explicitly defined
PDNGPendingBalance that is pending the settlement of a transaction

Bank Account Types

This table lists the most likely account types to be returned from the GET accounts endpoint. The types are based on the ISO 20022 standard, and you can find a full list of codes here.

CACCCurrentAccount used to post credits and debits when no specific account has been specified
CASHCash PaymentsAccount used for the payment of cash
SLRYSalaryAccount used for salary payments
SVGSSavingsAccount used for savings

Payment Status Types

This table lists the most likely payment status values to be returned after payment initiation. Payment status indicates the payment's current life cycle stage. A standard successful payment life cycle is as follows:


The types are based on the ISO 20022 standard, and you can find a full list of codes here.

RCVDReceivedThe payment has been received and is awaiting Strong Customer Authentication
ACCPAcceptedCustomerProfileThe preceding check of technical validation was successful. The customer profile check was also successful.
ACSPAccepted Settlement In ProgressThe payment has been sent by the bank but is not yet settled in the creditor account.
ACSCAccepted Settlement CompletedThe payment has been sent by the bank and settled in the creditor's account.
NAUTNotAuthorizedThe end-user has cancelled the payment authorization.
RJCTRejectedThe payment has failed due to insufficient funds in the debtor's account
PDNGPendingThe debtor account holder has edited the payment in their online banking and a new Strong Customer Authentication is now pending
CANCCancelledThe payment has been deleted by the end-user
PRSYOnHoldThe payment initiation was put on hold by the bank
PATCPartially AcceptedThe payment requires a second authorization

Payment Context Codes

This table lists the five ISO 20022 values that are accepted as paymentContextCode parameters in the paymentMetadata object for Payments. This parameter is used to classify payments.

It is not mandatory to send the parameter, but several banks across Europe request it to be added to help with their anti-fraud monitoring. When the purpose of a payment is given, the bank will use that information to help determine if the payment can be exempted from payment authorization.

GDDSCommercialUse this code if your payment is a commercial person-to-business (P2B) where the consumer is buying goods.
IVPTBill or InvoiceUse this code if your payment is a bill or invoice payment.
MP2PParty to PartyUse this code if your payment is a non-commercial party-to-party (P2P) payment.
OTHROtherUse this if your payment doesn't fit any of the other categories of payments.
SCVEOnline or Electronic paymentsUse this code if your payment is a commercial person-to-business (P2B) where the consumer is buying services.