Run in Postman
To see the Neonomics API in action you can use Postman, a multi-platform REST client that enables testing of HTTP requests and viewing responses.
The Neonomics Postman Collection is a group of saved API requests organized into folders. This collection is prepared to support testing of all endpoints in the sandbox environment for the Neonomics platform.
You can find an overview of the endpoints in the API Quick reference documentation, while API References describes everything in detail. The API Flow page gives a visual overview of the sequence of calls and processing logic in the most common scenarios.
Before you can start experimenting with our payment initiation and account information services, you have to make some preparations. These are described in the steps below.
If you prefer any other tool than Postman, it should be possible to adapt the steps below to your preferred tool, since the general procedure is the same.
Step 1: Run the Neonomics Postman collection
Import the Swagger file you have received from the Neonomics Customer Success team into Postman.
Step 2: Get your client ID and secret ID
If you already signed up for the Neonomics Developer Portal and created at least one application, go to your portal Dashboard, select an application and find the IDs, so you have them ready for the next step.
If you haven't signed up yet, do it now and then create an application as described in the first step of our Quickstart guide.
Step 3: Set initial variables
You need to save your client ID and secret ID as variables before you can start making requests with the Neonomics Postman collection. This is how you do it:
- Under Collections in the Postman User Interface, hover over the Neonomics API collection and click on the ... symbol (View more actions) and then select Edit.
- In the EDIT COLLECTION pop-up window, select Variables.
- Enter your client ID and secret ID in the fields
in the CURRENT VALUE column. - Click Update.
Step 4: Obtain your access token
Before you can make any other requests, you need to obtain your access token
with a Token request API:
- Select the
POST Token request
in the Authentication folder in the Neonomics API collection in Postman. - Click Send.
- You should get a
200 OK
response status, and both theaccess token
and therefresh token
will automatically be saved in Variables.
Note that you may have to run a Refresh token request at a later stage, as the token expires after a certain period.
Step 5: Select bank
Before you can send requests for account information or payment initiation, you need to select a bank to work with. The sandbox environment has test banks that you can use, and the Testing in the sandbox guide explains how to use the banks and what values to enter when asked to obtain end-user consent or payment authorization.
- Select the
GET Banks
request from the Bank data folder. - Click Send and verify that you get a
200 OK
response status. - Select one of the banks from the response, which is in JSON format. Note that some banks offer limited services, so you should check the list of
in the response. - Save the
for the bank you selected for use in subsequent requests. If you choose SEB Sweden, for example, it isc2ViLnN3ZWRlbi52MUVTU0VTRVNT
Recipe for account requests
The steps below cover the procedure for retrieving a list of an end-user's accounts in the bank – in the case where the end-user has not yet given consent. You can see more details of this scenario on the API flow page.
Step 1: Create a session
A session maintains a context for all operations towards a bank for a particular end-user.
- bank – you selected a bank in the step above and saved its
. - end-user – for sandbox testing purposes, the value in the header field
represents the end-user.
To create a session, complete these steps:
- Select the
POST Create session
in the Session folder. - Select Body and replace the value of bank_id in the request body with the
you saved in the previous step. (e.g.c2ViLnN3ZWRlbi52MUVTU0VTRVNT
, if you selected SEB Sweden) - Click Send and verify that you get a
201 Created
response status. The response contains thesessionId
The sessionId
field in Variables is populated automatically, as it is needed for subsequent requests.
Step 2: Attempt to get accounts
- Select
GET Accounts
in the Account information folder. - Click Send and verify the response status – it should be
510 Not Extended
with error code1426
Error code 1426
shows that this GET Accounts
request requires end-user consent. This will be taken care of in the next step – to see more details, look up the Consent documentation page.
Step 3: Request consent
- Select
GET Consent
in the Consent folder. - Click Send and verify the response status – it should be
200 OK
, with the response body containing a URL value in thehref
field. Use this URL to give consent. - Open the URL in an Internet browser.
Step 4: Log in to bank and give consent
The step above took you to the sandbox environment for the bank you selected previously. The procedure and credentials for consent vary between the test banks. Information about each bank is given in the Testing in sandbox guide.
As an example, if you chose SEB Sweden as your test bank, enter the value 9311219639 in the Sandbox Identity Number field and press Login. You will then get a message confirming that consent is given. It is valid for a specific period, and the /accounts
endpoints can now be accessed.
Step 5: Get accounts
- Select
GET Accounts
again. - Click Send.
- Verify that the response status is
200 OK
The response body contains a list of the end-user's accounts.
To learn more about account requests, see the documentation pages.
Recipe for domestic payment
The steps below cover the procedure for making a domestic payment – in the case where the end-user has to authorize the payment. You can see more details of this scenario on the API flow page.
The Payments documentation pages explain the details about domestic payments as well as other payment types.
- You have created a session and obtained end-user consent in the steps above.
- You need the bban numbers for a creditor and debtor account in the same currency. (Example: SEB Sweden accounts 54400047903 and 54400047881, in SEK)
Step 1: Initiate a domestic payment
- Select
POST Domestic payment
in the Payments folder. - In the request body, replace the following fields with appropriate values:
- Click Send.
- Expect response status
510 Not Extended
with error code1428
. This indicates that Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is required to authorize the payment. This is done in the next step.
Step 2: Authorize payment
- Select
GET Authorize payment
in Postman. - Click Send.
- Verify that the response status is
200 OK
, with the response body containing a URL value in thehref
field. Use this URL to authorize the payment. - Open the URL in an Internet browser.
- Authorize the payment according to the description for the test bank you are using. The details are explained in Testing in Sandbox. (Example: For SEB Sweden, just wait a few seconds for a confirmation message.)
Step 3: Complete payment
You authorized the payment in the previous step and can now complete it.
- Select
POST Complete payment
in the Payments folder. - Click Send.
- Verify that the response status is 201 Created.
The payment has now been initiated in the sandbox test bank.
Step 4: Get Payment status
Once the payment is completed you should call the Get Payment by ID endpoint at least once to confirm the payment status.
- Select
GET payment by ID
in the Payments folder. - Click Send.
- Verify the
You can continue to experiment with other payment types, just make sure the bank you choose offers the payment service you want to use.
Refreshing your access token
The access token expires after a certain period, in which case you will receive an error message (e.g. 2002 Expired token
) when you try to send a request. To refresh the access token, just run Refresh token
. You find it in the Authentication folder.
Modifying fields manually
The Neonomics Postman collection comes with a set of variables that get updated automatically. However, some requests contain fields that you must update manually. These fields are initially marked with angle brackets (e.g. \<field_name>
). The table below explains how to modify these fields in each request.
Request | Field name | Explanation |
Bank data: Banks by ID | \<BANK_ID> in the URL | Replace with an id from the response to a Banks request, e.g. c2ViLnN3ZWRlbi52MUVTU0VTRVNT (SEB Sweden) |
Bank data: Banks by country | <country> in the URL | Replace with an ISO standard country code, e.g. SE (Sweden) |
Bank data: Banks by name | <name> in the URL | Replace with a name from the response to a Banks request, e.g. SEB |
Session: Create session | <bankid> in Body | Replace with an id from the response to a Banks request, e.g. c2ViLnN3ZWRlbi52MUVTU0VTRVNT (SEB Sweden) |
Session: Session status | \<SESSION_ID> in the URL | Replace with the sessionId in the response to the Create session request |
Session: Delete session | \<SESSION_ID> in the URL | Replace with the sessionId in the response to the Create session request |
Account information: Accounts by ID | \<account_id> in the URL | Replace with the id in the response to an Accounts request |
Account information: Balances by ID | \<account_id> in the URL | Replace with the id in the response to an Accounts request |
Account information: Transactions by ID | \<account_id> in the URL | Replace with the id in the response to an Accounts request |
Payments: Confirm available funds | <iban> and \<currency_iso_code> in Body | Replace with appropriate values in a response from an Account information request |
Payments: Domestic scheduled payment | \<creditor_account_scheme> , \<creditor_identifier> , \<debtor_account_scheme> , \<debitor_identifier> , \<currency_iso_code> in Body | Replace with appropriate values in a response from an Account information request |
Payments: Domestic Payment | \<creditor_bban> , \<debtor_bban> , \<currency_iso_code> in Body | Replace with appropriate values in a response from an Account information request |
Payments: SEPA payment | \<debtor_iban> , \<creditor_iban> , \<currency_iso_code> in Body | Replace with appropriate values in a response from an Account information request |
Payments: Payment by ID | \<payment_id> in the URL | Replace with the paymentId that was created |
Updated 5 months ago