Payment: getting started



  1. Go register your Merchant Portal account and follow the steps to get access to your Neonomics Checkout API credentials and Webhook API.
  2. Have an active bank account in the country you are choosing to integrate in to test your connection.

Initiate your first payment

Follow the steps below to initiate your first payment:

  1. Complete the setup of your Merchant Portal account
  2. Add Neonomics to your website as a payment option
  3. Handle the user click of the pay button
  4. Create your first Checkout Request

1. Complete the setup of your Merchant Portal account

Follow our step-by-step onboarding guide to get started with the Checkout.

2. Add Neonomics to your website as a payment option

Place a "Directly from your bank" button or link on a page you wish your customers to complete payment using Neonomics.

Payment button

Adding a button to initiate the payment process is one way you can enable payments for your end users. Below you can see some examples of what the payment button should look like.

<form action="pay-with-neonomics.php" method="POST">
  <button type="submit" id="checkout-button">Directly from your bank</button>

The Pay Button has to follow the Neonomics Design Toolkit

Download Neonomics brand assets here ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Neonomics Brand Assets

3. Handle the user click of the pay button

Server-side plugin

This plugin that triggers the call towards the Neonomics Checkout endpoint.

Clicking the already added "Pay Now" button trigger the execution of the code below. This is an example of how the server-side can initiate the process for creating a checkout request.

$curl = curl_init();  

$YOUR_DOMAIN = "http://localhost";  

$postData = [
  "referenceId" => "46cc77a44f0f40f8b7877c78d8bbd8e0", //Your Reference
  "amount" => 20.00,
  "currency" => "NOK",
  "successUrl" => "$YOUR_DOMAIN/success",
  "failUrl" => "$YOUR_DOMAIN/fail",
  "cancelUrl" => "$YOUR_DOMAIN/cancel",
  "remittanceInfo" => "Sweatshirt Order #85" // Remittance Information
  "language" => "EN"
  "country" => "NO"

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($postData),
    'api-key: 09e4201c-9ddb-4b65-bc95-975b7373qwer', // Your Api Key
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Accept: application/json'
$response = curl_exec($curl);

$redirectUrl = json_decode($response, true)['redirectUrl']
; header("Location: $redirectUrl");
import com.mashape.unirest.http.Unirest;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import org.json.JSONObject;  

import static spark.Spark.*;  

public class PayWithNeonomics {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
        PayWithNeonomicsSevice payWithNeonomicsSevice = new PayWithNeonomicsSevice();
        post("/pay-with-neonomics", (request, response) -> {
            String redirectUrl = payWithNeonomicsSevice.createCheckoutRequest();
            return "";
    static class PayWithNeonomicsSevice {
        public String createCheckoutRequest() throws UnirestException {
            JSONObject requestBody = new JSONObject();
            requestBody.put("referenceId", "a6128c9f-8155-4e2e"); // Your Reference
            requestBody.put("amount", 12.24);
            requestBody.put("currency", "NOK");
            requestBody.put("remittanceInfo","Sweatshirt Order #85");
            requestBody.put("country", "NO");
            requestBody.put("successUrl", "");
            requestBody.put("failUrl", "");
            requestBody.put("cancelUrl", "");
            requestBody.put("language", "EN");
               String redirectUrl ="")
              .header("api-key", "4d3aacdb-54c1-4348-b09f-ed439590ae0f") // Your API Key
              .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
              .header("Accept", "application/json")
              return redirectUrl;

4. Create your first Checkout Request

Clientโ€™s system calls Neonomics Checkout via REST API in order to create CheckoutRequest.

Rest API Specification

The specification is intended to provide information about integration endpoint and fields.

Endpoint: Create CheckoutRequest
Method: POST
HTTP Path: /api/v1/checkout-requests

Sandbox Environment:

Live Environment:

Checkout Request

JSON Object with the next fields:


Only one of the two RemittanceInfo parameters can be populated, not both.

type: STRING
required: TRUE
May be order id in client's system
type: STRING
required: FALSE
If not provided it will be generated. Max length is 35 characters.
type: Number
required: TRUE
Amount to be paid by debtor
type: STRING
required: TRUE
Currency enum - currency of transferring money.
Currency codes (ISO 4217).
type: Object
required: FALSE
Should be used when the creditor (payee) should be a different account than the one registered in the Merchant Portal.
Should contain creditorName (see the example below) and information about the creditor account (see Market specific variables for further details).
type: STRING
required: FALSE
Country enum - displays available banks in set country for end users to pay with.
Country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
If it is not provided the default country is Norway.
type: STRING
required: FALSE
Language code for the language in which the UI should be rendered.
Language codes (ISO 639-1 alpha-2)
โ€type: STRING
required: FALSE
Date for scheduled Payment in YYYY-MM-DD format. Should not contain dates older than current date.
โ€type: STRING
required: FALSE
Can be provided when the scheduledDateEditable is TO_SET_DATE. The date provided will be the max selectable date in the date-picker. If not provided then it defaults to the paymentScheduledDate. (YYYY-MM-DD format)
โ€type: STRING
required: FALSE
Value "TO_SET_DATE" to enable date-picker (if user should be able to edit the payment scheduled date) and "FIXED" to disable it. If it is not provided, feature is enabled by default.
type: STRING
required: TRUE
URL for user redirection in case of success.
type: STRING
required: FALSE
URL for user redirection in case of failed payment.
type: STRING
required: TRUE
URL redirection for user checkout cancellation.
type: STRING
required: TRUE
Message that is put to remittance information of the payment (max size: 140 characters). This is unstructured information.
It is recommended not using any special characters as it might fail payments with certain banks.
type: JSON Object
required: TRUE
Containing data to execute structured payment. It is an unique identification for the payment, issued by the creditor in accordance with a national standard (e.g. "KID" in Norway, "INVOICE" in Finland, "OCR" in Sweden.
type: STRING
required: FALSE
The display name of the client that is initiated the payment, this is displayed to the end user in the checkout.
type: JSONObject
required: FALSE
This field is mandatory for cross-border payments. Containing Creditor address fields.

Building your JSON objects

Lets build your Checkout Request

Request header:

api-key: 31mkl-hfy23-312kj-f8qwโ€ฆ

Request Body for non structured remittance info:

  referenceId: "41212",
  remittanceInfo: "Ord #41212",
  amount: 20,
  currency: "EUR",
  creditorAccount: {
    creditorName: "Bob Huws",
    iban: "NO9386011117947"
  successUrl: "",
  failUrl: "",
  cancelUrl: "",
  language: "EN",
  country: "NO"

Response body:

  redirectUrl: "",
  id: "0a15025d-824a-19c6-8182-7d5ab472002f"

Request Body for structured remittance info:

  referenceId: "41212",
  remittanceInfoStructured: {
    reference: "1234",
    referenceIssuer: "John Doe",
    referenceType: "KID" 
  amount: 20,
  currency: "EUR",
  creditorAccount: {
    creditorName: "Bob Huws",
    iban: "NO9386011117947"
  successUrl: "",
  failUrl: "",
  cancelUrl: "",
  language: "EN",
  country: "NO"

Request Body for cross-border payments

  referenceId: "41212",
  remittanceInfoStructured: {
    reference: "123456",
    referenceIssuer: "John Doe",
    referenceType: "OCR" 
  amount: 20,
  currency: "EUR",
  creditorAccount: {
    creditorName: "Bob Huws",
    iban: "NO9386011117947"
  successUrl: "",
  failUrl: "",
  cancelUrl: "",
  language: "EN",
  country: "SE",
  creditorAddress: {
    creditorStreetName: "Bogstadveien",
    creditorBuildingNumber: "23",
    creditorPostalCode: "0404",
    creditorCity: "Begen",
    creditorCountry: "Norway"