Initiates a SEPA payment. The debtorAccount can be either 'iban', 'bban', or 'sortCodeAccountNumber' (Note that some Finnish banks may currently not accept 'bban');
the creditorAccount must be 'iban'. The currency is always 'EUR'. To enable a custom redirect, include the x-redirect-url parameter in the request header.
The callback will then include a resource_id (the payment-id) and a result (the request's status, either 'OK' or 'FAILED').
This API will return a 1426 error if consent is required and a 1428 'payment authorization required' if the payment requires SCA.
If you get error code '1428' then you have to call API '/ics/v3/payments/{paymentProduct}/{paymentId}/authorize' to get authorization URL. Once you receive url then you can use that to get
authorised with respective bank.

Additionally, payments can be initiated without debtorAccount details (iban/bban) and debtor name if the supported service for the bank includes "sepa-credit-without-debtor-details" (only for Finnish payments).
Note that initiating payments without debtor details will not apply for cross-border SEPA payments.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!